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Hello, I'm Bechir, a 23-year-old dude. I have many interests, but my The main thing right now is computer science. I do have other hobbies, but I'm quite mediocre at most of them.
I code almost every day, usually for hours on end, if I'm not coding. then I'm reading, learning about new topics, technologies, or maybe binging some tech drama. I go down rabbit holes more often than I'd I like to admit, I believe it's because I'm a generalist. Well, that led me to learn about topics such as functional programming, category theory and the glory of the Rust programming language (and I use arch btw).
I know almost everyone says the same thing, but I do pick what technology that's fit for the particular job, so Rust hehe. Although Because I suck at it currently, I'll choose a garbage collected language such as Go for things that need that and typescript if I'm in a hurry.
If you asked me a year ago, I wouldn't imagine in a hundred years that I would fall in love with the act of lifting weights up and down, but here I am, will soon complete a full year of going to the gym without missing a single workout, I lost 20 kg in the process and gained a fair bit of muscle mass, special thanks to these gentelmen [Dr. Mike Israetel], [Dr. Menno Henselmans] and , [Dr. Milo Wolff] from whom I learnt from almost everything I know about exercise science.
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I won't tell you that I listen to everything, because that's literally impossible, but I'd like to think that I'm open to a wide range of genres, I like to listen to Daft Punk, Radiohead, Twenty One Pilots, indie music, and here is a completely random playlist of music I made. I guarantee you'll like at least a song from there. Hey you! Listen to this)
Other things that spark my interest are philosophy, astrophysics, Evolution, behavioral biology, and literally anything that explains why Things are the way they are (so all modern science?).
I rice my linux machine, want to pick up photography, and like to discover monospaced nerd fonts, and one day I will maybe have my own YouTube channel.
I think that's enough over sharing, byeeee \(^-^)/.